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Monday, April 29, 2024
The Parrett Catchment Project

Urban Developers

Although Somerset is a predominantly rural county, urban developers are, more than ever, having a major impact on our landscape. Their activities not only change the appearance of the land, they also influence its processes: while rural land can be hugely absorbent of rainfall, concrete, tile and tarmac obviously are not.


As urban development spreads, there is less land to soak up rain and the runoff from development can end up contributing to flooding if not properly managed. It if for this reason that the PCP is promoting the idea of Sustainable Drainage Systems, which control or store the runoff from development and release it into our rivers in a controlled manner.


Urban developers can download a copy of our Guidance Notes for Developers in Somerset (MS Word document), which provides information about:


  • Drainage systems;

  • Drainage roles, duties and responsibilities;

  • Development control processes;

  • Fundamental design criteria;

  • SUDS - Guidance for using SUDS techniques;

  • Adoption and future maintenance of SUDS; and

  • A developer’s checklist for evaluation of SUDS and information about provisional ownership


Developers may also be interested in the further information provided by:



Urban Developers