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Friday, April 26, 2024
The Parrett Catchment Project


Component 3: Controlling Runoff From Development




The PCP has adopted the Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) approach to controlling rainwater runoff from developed areas. SuDS offers an approach to managing runoff that involves collection, cleaning, storage and slow release of runoff back into receiving waters. SuDS can help to prevent flooding, manage pollution and provide amenity benefit for local communities.


The SuDS Group


The SuDS Group is a partnership of:


  • South Somerset District Council

  • Mendip District Council

  • Sedgemoor District Council

  • Taunton Deane Borough Council

  • Environment Agency

  • Wessex Water

  • Somerset Consortium of Drainage Boards

  • Somerset County Council


The Group has sought to strengthen planning legislation to make mandatory the control of storm water runoff from new development and to encourage the enhancement of interception and storage for existing development by:


  1. Responding to the National SuDS Guidance Policy

  2. Reviewing drainage guidance currently available to developers

  3. Identifying issues hindering the uptake of SuDS in new development

  4. Producing a 'SuDS Protocol' and 'Developer Guidance Notes' with a view to having these incorporated into Local Plans

  5. Establishing a database of SuDS schemes in the Parrett catchment to monitor the level of SuDS implementation locally

  6. Seeking to increase awareness of SuDS through local public events and initiatives.

Component 11: Restricting new development on the floodplain


Local plans and Structure plans show that Local Planning Authorities have adopted and are implementing PPG 25 at a local level.


Urban Montage